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PANDEMIC PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE PLANNING, 20-21 July 2020 @ Kota Kinabalu / 27-28 July 2020 @ Kuching Sarawak


As humans have spread across the world, so have infectious diseases. Even in modern era outbreaks are nearly constant, though not every outbreak reaches the same pandemic level.

The recent Covid-19 has a great impact on global business, health and finance. No industry is free or immune from such pandemic. The world has passed through Spanish flu, smallpox, cholera and the current Covid-19 is a reminder to safeguard lives and our organization 

The time has come now that we need to safeguard our lives and businesses from not only Covid-19 but any other similar future pandemic. We need to put in place a well-established pandemic preparedness and business continuity plan. An emergency plan that is well-documented and with a tested process. This training will help to act faster, know what to do and protect the employees and the organisation

This session is very timely as we need to take every proactive step to safeguard the employees and the organisation especially when there is so much uncertainty, both economically and politically in the world due to the outbreak of pandemic today. It also allows the participants to be personally involved in the pandemic preparedness planning within the organization.


  • Fulfil the legal requirement under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 in ensuring a safe and healthy working environment.
  • Arrangement of resources to implement the procedure such as finance, skill and competency.
  • Make the participants understand how this training can minimize the effects of the pandemic on people and the organization.
  • Participants will be made known of the risk assessment methodology and the reason for updating and review of the SOP in regards to the risk assessment.
  • Prepare the participants on the required awareness and competency specially for the ERT members performing the task.
  • Arrange the participants to understand the implementation of the SOP including the required monitoring and the actions which needs to be taken in case of an outbreak of a pandemic.
  • Understand and allow the participants to comment on the existing.
  • Emergency Preparedness plan which is currently used in the organization.

For more details of this course please contact

Kota Kinabalu: (+6)088-731410 / Email:

Kuching, Sarawak: (+6)088-731570 / Email:


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About Author
Willaim Wright

Voluptas feugiat illo occaecat egestas modi tempora facilis, quisquam ultrices.

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