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Author: Joan

Executive Development


In today competitive marketplace, there is less tolerance for unplanned downtime. Industry is experiencing the pressure of rising costs, foreign competition, and the need to improve work force productivity. Statistics have shown that Preventive Maintenance when properly implemented can minimize equipment and system breakdowns, resulting in a major reduction in total maintenance and operating costs.

Executive Development

(Face-to-Face Training) SCHEDULED WASTE MANAGEMENT, 25-26 October 2022, Pullman Hotel, Kuching

In compliance of Environmental Quality (Scheduled Waste) Regulations 2005, factory occupiers are to ensure that scheduled wastes are labelled, stored, inventoried and disposed accordingly to the requirements of the Regulations. According to these Regulations, it is compoundable for not providing training to the employees who are handling scheduled wastes; and needless to say, for factory occupiers that are not disposing scheduled wastes correctly can be fined up to RM10,000 or imprisonment for 2 years or both.

Online Live Training

(Remote Online Training) CREDIT MANAGEMENT & DEBT COLLECTION STRATEGIES, 20-21 October 2022

In this workshop, the facilitator will share the 2 important components that would outline how to carry out the roles, functions and responsibilities appropriately to cope with the pressures, within or outside your organization, in handling professionally issues related to debt collection and ensures the company stays on course to achieving its goals. This training program addresses issues related to operational financial aspects and capital budgeting.

Executive Development

(Face-To-Face Training) LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT THROUGH THE HERO’S WAY: Team Peak Performance Using Coloured Brain, 20-21 October 2022,Le Meridien Kuala Lumpur

Understanding why people do what they do will allow leaders to influence personal and team dynamics and cultivate a superior team environment which will set everybody up for success. Teams who work from a place of understanding, tolerance, and focused on the objectives rather than the processes, will lead to reduced conflicts, improved stress levels and higher personal agility. All of these will catalyze a resilient workforce which will power up your organization’s productivity and profitability.

Executive Development

(Face-to-Face Training) Project Management for Non-Project Managers, 3-4 October 2022, Radisson Hotel, Brunei Darussalam

This course is designed to teach participants all the principles of good project management. Participants will learn how to identify and schedule project resources and create project flow charts. Important issues of team management are also covered. These learning objectives are reinforced by a course project that allows the participant to apply the principles and use the tools they learned.

About Author
Willaim Wright

Voluptas feugiat illo occaecat egestas modi tempora facilis, quisquam ultrices.

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