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Executive Development


In today’s fast-paced and dynamic work environment, meetings have become an essential tool for effective management. However, poorly planned and executed meetings can be counterproductive, resulting in wasted time, lack of clarity, and unproductive discussions. This is where the importance of proper planning, execution and documentation of meetings comes in.

Executive Development

EFFECTIVE TENDER & CONTRACT MANAGEMENT, 30-31 January 2023 @ Radisson Hotel, Brunei Darussalam

Contracting is an integral part of doing business in any industry. A “contract” is a legally enforceable agreement – an exchange of promises for which the law can provide a remedy if the promises are not kept. It may be an agreement to pay something, to do something, to not do something, to give or receive something, or to warrant something. A contract may be written down, or it may be verbally agreed; it may be a formal document that is negotiated over many months.

Executive Development

TRAINING NEEDS ANALYSIS, 16-17 January 2023 @ Radisson Hotel, Brunei Darussalam

One of the dilemmas confronting organizational trainers and HRD Practitioners is providing a rationale for recommended training interventions to top management and securing the needed budget for such programs. This could be minimized or eliminated if such training proposals are based on the actual improvement needs of the organization. This is the main objective of conducting the Training Needs Analysis (TNA) for organizations which is oftentimes not done by program sponsors.

Executive Development

(Face-to-Face Training) Project Management for Non-Project Managers, 3-4 October 2022, Radisson Hotel, Brunei Darussalam

This course is designed to teach participants all the principles of good project management. Participants will learn how to identify and schedule project resources and create project flow charts. Important issues of team management are also covered. These learning objectives are reinforced by a course project that allows the participant to apply the principles and use the tools they learned.

Executive Development

(Face-To-Face Training) DELIVERING WORLD-CLASS CUSTOMER SERVICE, 17-18 October 2022 (Radisson Hotel, Brunei) / 27-28 October 2022 (Le Meridien Kota Kinabalu)

This 2-day intensive workshop entitled ‘Delivering World Class Customer Service’ is specifically designed to teach participants the nuts and bolts of world-class customer service and will also serve as a refresher course for those who have been previously trained. Learning-by-doing is the key to this workshop. Rather than filling these 2 days with purely lecture based content, the training will consist of a lot of activities and role-plays that will effectively impart the relevant knowledge and skills needed to ensure that the customers experience world-class service.

About Author
Willaim Wright

Voluptas feugiat illo occaecat egestas modi tempora facilis, quisquam ultrices.

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