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Day: January 26, 2018

Strategic Leadership & Innovation

CONDUCTING DOMESTIC INQUIRY & DISCIPLINARY ACTION, 19th-20th March 2018, Le Meridien Kota Kinabalu

By the end of the program, the participants will have a clear understanding of the legal principles that govern disciplinary proceedings and domestic inquiry, the circumstances under which they are needed, and the role of the various parties involved. Participants will gain that understanding through lectures, case studies and practical exercises. They would also gain structured practice in the skills required to interact with staff in a disciplinary situation.

Strategic Leadership & Innovation

DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGIES 2018: Embracing the Disruption of the Traditional Marketing, 27th, 28th February & 1st March 2018, Le Merdien Kota Kinabalu

This course is specifically tailored to guise participants on the specifics in Digital Marketing from implementing the right best practices, selecting the right platforms, choosing suitable Metrics, measuring ROI and so on. Leveraging from success stories and strategies of various brands you will walk away with useful knowledge and skills to ensure the success of your organization Digital Marketing effort.

About Author
Willaim Wright

Voluptas feugiat illo occaecat egestas modi tempora facilis, quisquam ultrices.

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