While the internationalization of the market offers exciting prospects for growth, it can also carry higher risks for contracting parties. Every year billions of dollars being transacted across borders. As cross-border business transactions are becoming common trade for business entities across the globe, the related legal aspects are becoming more complex. Various aspects of the transaction must be taken into account such as conflict of laws, insurance, employment law, taxation, trade, disputer settlement and the list go on. It is often not just a question of two different languages and different economic, political, and cultural backgrounds but as well as two different legal system. Undoubtedly, negotiating and drafting cross-border commercial contracts will present a number of challenges. From the differences between common law and civil law jurisdictions, to determining whether or not to arbitrate disputes, to the commercial terms itself, each decision will eventually have an effect on your company’s bottom line.
This course will provide participants with practical knowledge in drafting international contracts and understand major issues in dealing with cross border transaction. This course provides a comprehensive guide to international law and practice considerations such as contract drafting, structuring options and cross-cultural lawyering techniques, negotiation, etc. The program will also highlight the most crucial issue in drafting a low risk and reliable commercial contract. At the end of the program, participants will be able to master the important skills needed in drafting a valid and performing contract.