Corporate Frontier Services


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No industry is free or immune from a disaster such as fire, flood, explosion, bomb threat, chemical spillage etc. It is usually a catastrophic event that will disrupt normal operations causing damage to property and life of the employees. It can arise any time and at most of the time when we least expect it. Therefore, it is very important that leaders of these industries plan and is well prepared for an emergency. Legally, this is extremely vital since the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 delegates the responsibility of caring for the employees and others in the workplace in the hands of the employers.

A survey conducted revealed that most of the Emergency Response Teams, both Fire Fighters and First Aiders would be ineffective in the event of a disaster. Guess why? Because, the organization which planned the formation of an Emergency

Response Team, failed to plan or consider all the elements so vital in putting together an effective team.

This training is very timely as we need to take every proactive step to safeguard the employees and the property especially when there is so much of uncertainty, both economically and politically in the world today. It also allows the participants to personally involve in the emergency preparedness planning within the organization. 

This Course Include



The objectives of this training on Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning are:

  • Fulfill the legal requirement under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 and the Factory and Machinery Act 1967, in ensuring a safe and healthy working environment.
  • To localize the emergency, if possible, eliminate it.
  • Assist the management to minimize loss of lives and property in the workplace
  • Make the participants understand how this training can minimize the effects of the incident on people and property
  • Prepare the participants for disasters through the practical session
  • Provide assistance to others outside the organization i.e. the neighbouring plants and local community, in case of a disaster.
  • Understand and allow the participants to comment on the existing Emergency Preparedness plan which is currently used in the organization.