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Tag: microsoft excel training

[Remote Online Learning] Microsoft Office Essentials For Secretaries, Admin Assistants And PAs, 17-18 February 2021

This is a hands-on training whereby you will learn many unknown and yet powerful techniques, tips and tricks on how to work with various Microsoft applications effectively. Focusing on support roles, you’ll gain a sound understanding of spreadsheets, databases, word processing, and business document layouts. Most importantly, this course is to be delivered by a Microsoft Office trainer with over 20 years of teaching experience.

Executive Development

Public Training: Data Analysis Using Microsoft Excel, 25th – 26th November 2020 (Sarawak) / 30th November – 1st December 2020 (Selangor)

MS Excel is an important tool for data analysis. Many users had the impression that without using the Virtual Basic for Applicants (VBA), the data analysis cannot be worked. The statement above shall be proven inaccurate, as the data analysis job could still be done effectively and efficiently. It is important to possess the best skills in data collection before commencing data analysis jobs.

DATA ANALYSIS USING MICROSOFT EXCEL 18-19 Dec 2019 (Brunei) / 13-14 Jan 2020 (KK)

In this Excel data analysis course, you use advanced Excel techniques to build sophisticated spreadsheets. You learn to perform “what if” analyses, leverage features and apply functions, manipulate PivotTables to analyze large amounts of data, and present your results to make better business decisions. You also learn how to automate processes and enhance worksheet models.

About Author
Willaim Wright

Voluptas feugiat illo occaecat egestas modi tempora facilis, quisquam ultrices.

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