ASSET MANAGEMENT ISO 55000, 27-28 February 2023 @ Radisson Hotel, Brunei Darussalam
This comprehensive two-day course will feature how the international standard on Asset Management ISO55000, can be used to implement the best and latest practices.
This comprehensive two-day course will feature how the international standard on Asset Management ISO55000, can be used to implement the best and latest practices.
Bad debt, the opposite of profit, unfortunately, is a part of doing business, but not something that cannot be managed and control to a minimum thus ensure the company stays on the right track of profitability.
In compliance of Environmental Quality (Scheduled Waste) Regulations 2005, factory occupiers are to ensure that scheduled wastes are labelled, stored, inventoried, and disposed accordingly to the requirements of the Regulations.
This course will also cover some of the useful online resources, tools and applications specifically for Administrative Professionals.
This course will help to provide you with an environment that stimulates proactive behavior in order to achieve greater goals for yourselves and your organization.
The amendments to the Industrial Relations Act 1967 (Act 177) were passed by Parliament in 2020 but has just come into force on 1st January 2021, save for a few provisions. With the recent amendments, the Malaysian Government pushes ahead with creating a more robust industrial relations system, process and landscape in Malaysia.
If properly done, TNA will also make it easier for professional trainers to determine the returns on the training investment that management is constantly seeking.
We designed this course with Administrative professionals’ work challenges in mind. This is because we understand the increasing demand they faced in the current work environment requires new response to maintain productivity.
The product that the customer receives isn’t quite like it’s advertised, or the service isn’t provided as you had planned. Mistakes can happen – yet the fact that paying customers are not happy with it is something that probably every business professional can understand.
It requires legal and Non-professionals to be well versed with the writing techniques of commercial contracts to foresee the risk and balance the risk allocation and have analytical thinking to handle contracts in the best interest of their organization.
Voluptas feugiat illo occaecat egestas modi tempora facilis, quisquam ultrices.