The Sales and Service Tax (SST) was introduced on 1st September 2018, which is a single stage tax on taxable goods manufactured and taxable services provided. The Sales Tax System relies a lot on the exemption system, and the Service Tax System relies a lot on groupings.
Many businesses are still confused about the underlying concepts of SST, especially in the scope of manufacturing and taxable service and its impact on their business.
- Gain immediate and practical solutions to your queries through an interactive dialogue
- Obtain clarification on grey areas to ensure full understanding of SST implementation and latest updates
- Gain complete understanding of the policy and process change to ensure correct information gets into the IT system
- Get the Most Recent Tax Updates On RMCD
- Understand the Impact of Budget 2019
This course is 100% HRDF SBL SCHEME CLAIMABLE.
For more information on this course, please contact us Joan at +6 088-731570 or email to