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Remote Online Training: Drafting Commercial Contracts for Non-Legal Professionals, 19-20 May 2021 via Zoom


The Contract law and drafting of commercial contracts is a workshop for non-legal managers, procurement managers, and anyone dealing with commercial contracts, both domestic and international contracts. It will enable them to improve their knowledge of Contract law and learn the necessary skills of contract drafting.

The seminar includes training in the essential skills of producing clear, concise legal texts when documenting the transaction. The legal writing section of the seminar deals with expressing complex legal ideas in plain, simple English. The practical knowledge needed by legal and non-legal managers working in international commerce, and instruction on the best practices for contract drafting and legal correspondence are fully covered in this seminar. Participants will also learn on negotiating Cross Border Agreements, appreciate considerations and develop strategies in Drafting Cross- Border Contracts.

The takeaway for participants would be to ensure they gain a solid working understanding of the principles of writing clear and concise commercial contracts.

Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Use the techniques of clear writing to express legal concepts and structures
  • Avoid basic contract drafting errors which may invalidate contracts
  • Recognise the characteristics of good drafting
  • Be able to draft well structured, practical, clear and concise letters and documents
  • Approach drafting with enhanced confidence
  • Use clear specific words and phrases to set out obligations and rights
  • Understand and gain insights on drafting International Contracts

100% HRDF SBL-KHAS CLAIMABLE. Direct Deduct from Levy.

For more information, please contact the following Program Consultant:

Ms.Joan / email: / Tel: +6088731570

Mr.Azrul / email: / Tel: +6088731410

Ms. Emily / email: / Tel: +6088731412

Ms.Tracy / email: / Tel: +6088731575


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Willaim Wright

Voluptas feugiat illo occaecat egestas modi tempora facilis, quisquam ultrices.

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