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Remote Online Learning: Remote Communication Strategies During Work From Home (WFH), 13-14 October 2021 via Zoom


Remote Communication is the process of trying to find an agreement between two or more parties with differing views on and expectations of a certain issue at different workplace. A good and effective way of communication finds a balance between each party’s objectives to create a win-win outcome either we communicate face to face or through remote/ online social media. The high stakes, time pressure and psychological stress involved in these.

Our custom-made 2 days program helps our team’s communication skills so that they can make the most out of every opportunity while building a win-win relationship. It is also built to give self-confidence when conducting an Online / face-to-face discussion, besides providing a competitive edge whilst maintaining and building a positive relationship.

This two-day program provides employee the guideline of changing the working environment from office to home in different perspective: Professional Image, Mindset, by using effective FBD tools in order to stay focus on work and be productive. People who able master the skills of working from home would have the greater flexibility and adaptability to the changes, thus perform and enjoy quality of balanced-work life and productivity.


  • Understand that Professional Image affect self mindset approaches and other’s perception for a buy in.
  • Prioritize Work (Enhanced Time Management) – Right time for replying email, follow ups and meeting.
  • Minimize distraction – “Are you in control or let the environment distract your daily activities?”
  • Apply Energetic 2 Ways Communication – follow up and follow through with timeframe
  • Do and Don’t of Online Meeting – be respectful and fruitful for an outcome
  • I-Care Value – Build supporting system among horizontally and vertically during difficult time of this Pandemic.

100% HRDF SBL-KHAS CLAIMABLE. Direct Deduct from Levy.

For more information, please contact the following Program Consultant:

Ms.Joan / email: / Tel: +6088731570

Mr.Azrul / email: / Tel: +6088731410

Ms. Emily / email: / Tel: +6088731412

Ms.Tracy / email: / Tel: +6088731575


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About Author
Willaim Wright

Voluptas feugiat illo occaecat egestas modi tempora facilis, quisquam ultrices.

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