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Remote Online Learning: Developing Effective Human Resource Policies Post Pandemic, 9-10 June 2021 via Zoom


In the wake of the global pandemic, companies need to adjust their current business strategies to improve their post covid-19 outcomes. Some organizations have found more success than others when it comes to carrying out their “normal” business day while simultaneously keeping their employees healthy, happy, and motivated in a time of crisis.

Therefore, the HR Department needs to critically continue to support their business practices with the COVID-19 landscape to protect the well-being of both its employees and company. Rendering such support may be challenging at first, but by reworking the critical HR policies, companies will be able to rebuild the foundation, redevelop team cohesiveness, and instil the core values practiced throughout the company to tide this pandemic. Hence, this workshop helps develop effective HR policies for business clarity and direction.


  • To understand the emerging trends in employment practices, post pandemic.
  • To redesign by reworking the current HR policies for adaptability and resilience.
  • To develop effective HR policies in tandem with the current business scenario.


  • Understand the emerging trends in employment practices, post covid-19.
  • Undertake efforts in redesigning the current HR policies for adaptability and resilience.
  • Develop effective and relevant HR policies to meet the business needs.

The following is required to be shared during the workshop:

  • Company’s Vision/Core values statement
  • Sample Mid-Level Job Description (Most active hiring position)
  • Current HR Policy Manual

100% HRDF SBL-KHAS CLAIMABLE. Direct Deduct from Levy.

For more information, please contact the following Program Consultant:

Ms.Joan / email: / Tel: +6088731570

Mr.Azrul / email: / Tel: +6088731410

Ms. Emily / email: / Tel: +6088731412

Ms.Tracy / email: / Tel: +6088731575


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Willaim Wright

Voluptas feugiat illo occaecat egestas modi tempora facilis, quisquam ultrices.

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