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STRATEGIC CASH FLOW MANAGEMENT, 12-13 Feb 2020 @ Brunei Darussalam

Proper cash flow management is a key strategy for long-term financial success that every business owner must master. Cash flow management can be one of the biggest challenges faced by business owners. A recent study from Intuit found that 61% of businesses around the world struggle with cash flow. Nearly one-third of those surveyed are unable to either, pay vendors, pay pending loans, or pay themselves or their employees due to cash flow issues.

Cash Flow Management is the nucleus of every business entity’s ‘going concern’ survival. Financial objectives, goals and decisions in the form of cash flows, liquidity, receivables, inventory, payables, are daily operational aspects of business that needs to be and that must be monitored on a daily and on-going basis. Planning and control of these elements are fundamental to a going-concern.

This training program addresses issues related to operational financial aspects and capital budgeting.   

The objectives of the seminar are to provide:

  • An understanding on the reasons and need for financial planning and forecasting
  • An insight to the importance of current assets and management of inventory, receivables, cash and cash equivalents, and payables
  • An understanding of cash flow statement and budgets
  • Explain the concept of capital budgeting and the application of various techniques

For further information please email or contact +6088731412 / 570


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About Author
Willaim Wright

Voluptas feugiat illo occaecat egestas modi tempora facilis, quisquam ultrices.

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