Date: 3rd – 4th December 2018
Venue: The Waterfront Hotel, Kuching
Kota Kinabalu
Date: 5th – 6th December 2018
Venue: Le Meridien Kota Kinabalu
Managing excellent performance in an organization requires systems that can contribute towards its success. One of the systems to ensure performance and success is the Key Performance Indicators or KPIs. KPIs define a set of values used to measure against. KPIs for strategic development are objectives to be targeted that will add the most value to the business. While KPIs vary with different industries, common measurements used for a human resource department is based on its performance in recruitment, selection, orientation, training, employee satisfaction, performance management and appraisal, competitive remuneration, employment relations and employee turnover.
However, in a highly competitive business environment and an increased strategic approach to human resource management, the KPIs also tend to focus on the human resource management roles such as strategic business partner, change agent, employee champion and as an administrative expert.
Learning Outcome
Upon completion of this course the participants will be able to:
- Understand the relationship between business strategy and KPIs;
- Clearly define and develop KPIs aligned to the business strategy;
- Appreciate the role of human resource management and develop its KPI; and
- Know, implement and management human resource management related KPIs in attracting, developing, rewarding and retaining talent.
This course is 100% HRDF SBL CLAIMABLE
For more information on this course, please do contact us at:
Kuching: Joan: joan@cfrontier.com / +6088 731570
Kota Kinabalu: Annette: annette@cfrontier.com / +6 088 731409